In June of this year I was showing signs of subclinical hypothyroidism. In my previous blog post CAN YOU CORRECT SUBCLINICAL HYPOTHYROIDISM NATURALLY I looked at whether TSH levels could be reduced naturally.
After 8 weeks of taking the 5 supplements mentioned I can now confirm that my thyroid hormone levels are within normal range. In my opinion these are the best supplements for hypothyroidism:
1. Ashwagandha
Studies into Ashwagandha
A study conducted in India showed that supplementing with 2 supplements of 600mg of Ashwagandha per day was beneficial in normalising thyroid hormone levels in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. The full study can be found here.
I started taking Ashwagandha in September. My blood test at the end of August showed that my TSH level was 5.74mu/L. At the end of November after taking Ashwagandha for three months my TSH level was 3.27 mu/L. Although I can’t say for sure that it was the Ashwagandha which lowered my TSH level, it is the only new supplement that I added to my routine. All the other supplements I started taking I had taken previously at some point in the past year.
Other Effects
I also noticed once I started taking this supplement that I felt much calmer and more relaxed. It had a very positive impact on my mental wellbeing and would recommend this supplement to anyone suffering from anxiety.

2. Selenium
I had already been taking selenium occasionally before I found out that my TSH was elevated but only started taking it regularly in September.
Studies into Selenium
A trial was conducted which showed that patients with hypothyroidism who took selenium supplements reported better well-being compared with a placebo group. The study concluded that Selenium supplementation in these patients may be useful even for those who were already being treated with levothyroxine. The full study can be found here.
Another study into selenium and zinc supplementation in overweight patients with hypothyroidism can be found here
Other Effects
When I took this supplement originally I noticed it caused my skin to look clearer and more even. It’s a supplement that is also recommended for acne sufferers.

3. Zinc
As well as Selenium, Zinc and other trace elements such as copper are required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Deficiency of these can result in hypothyroidism. The metabolism of zinc and thyroid hormones are closely interlinked.
Studies into Zinc
A study into the link between zinc deficiency, hypothyroidism and alopecia showed that zinc deficiency is a cause of subclinical hypothyroidism. That study can be found here.
Other Effects
I did notice that when I took the Solgar Zinc it appeared that my skin lost some of its elasticity; fine lines around my eyes appeared more pronounced to me. I’m not sure if this is because the zinc caused my skin to become drier. As soon as I stopped taking the Solgar Zinc my skin went back to normal. I have changed over to the Vitabiotics Zinc now and will see if this has the same effect. The Vitabiotics Zinc is also less expensive than the Solgar one.

4. Vitamin D
Studies into Vitamin D
Studies have shown that patients with hypothyroidism suffered from a deficiency in Vitamin D. This deficiency is significantly associated with the degree and severity of the hypothyroidism. A study that can be found here encourages Vitamin D supplementation for all hypothyroid patients.
Another study showed that vitamin D supplementation among hypothyroid patients for 12 weeks improved serum TSH compared with the placebo, but it did not alter serum T3, T4, ALP, PTH, and albumin levels. That study can be found here.
A Supplement Everyone Should Take
If you live in the UK you need to get vitamin D from your diet because the sun isn’t strong enough for the body to make vitamin D in our winter. The NHS advice regarding vitamin D intake can be found here.
The Solgar Vitamin D supplement that I take contains 400IU (10mcg) of Vitamin D which is the safe upper limit.

5. Magnesium
Studies into Magnesium
A study has showed that low serum magnesium levels were associated with increased risks of TGAb positivity, the prevalence of HT, and (mainly subclinical) hypothyroidism, indicating that serum magnesium levels should be evaluated in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism. That study can be found here.
Effect on Sleep and Mental Health
The Magnesium supplement that I take contains Magnesium L-Threonate (MgT) which is the only form of Magnesium that can effectively cross the blood brain barrier. Magnesium plays an essential role in supporting brain plasticity, which allows for optimal learning, memory, and cognitive function. A study has shown that elevating the amount of magnesium in the brain by supplementing with Magnesium L-Threaonate can enhance memory and learning. The study can be found here.
I noticed a huge difference in my mental wellbeing when I started taking this supplement. The effects were evident almost straight away as I was more alert and sharper, and my sleep was better. I normally take this supplement at night before I go to bed.

If you have any experience of using these 5 Supplements for Subclinical Hypothyroidism or have recommendations of any others that may be beneficial then please comment below.
DISCLAIMER: All Olivia’s views are her own and this website is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Information about supplements, or links to third-party websites are for informational purposes only. Please consult with a doctor regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. The supplements that Olivia writes about on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Hypothyroidism FAQs
What are early warning signs of thyroid problems?
Fatigue, weakness, weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight, dry hair and skin, hair loss, unable to tolerate cold temperatures, muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches, constipation, depression, irritability, memory loss, abnormal menstrual cycles, decreased libido
What happens if hypothyroidism is left untreated?
If it is not treated hypothyroidsm can progress and lead to many complications such as depression, infertility, birth defects, a bulge in your neck (called a goiter), and heart problems. The good news is the condition is easy to treat. Make sure you go for regular blood tests to check your thyroid hormone levels. Early diagnosis can prevent the onset of these complications.
What causes hypothyroidism?
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disorder known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This is when your body’s immune system produces antibodies that attack your thyroid. A blood test for Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO) can indicate whether you have Hashimoto thyroiditis.
What foods should be avoided with hypothyroidism?
Foods with soy, including edamame, tofu, and miso, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, gluten, found in bread, pasta, and rice.
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Thursday 9th of June 2022
Hi,pls supplements for hyperthyroidism or do u have article on hyperthyroidism..please it’s important to me .
Saturday 30th of April 2022
Interesting blog! Do you have an update about your TSH levels? Are they in the optimal again? Ps. rice doesn't contain gluten:). I also read that people with subclinical hypothyroidism should avoid dairy.